My 2020 Resolutions

In the 3 years I’ve had my blog I’ve never actually done a post with my resolutions. I was reading another blogger’s site recently and she had shared her resolutions on her blog for the past 8 years. It was so satisfying/inspiring to see how she had managed to accomplish almost all of them.
I have done resolutions (or goals) almost every year but I always write them down somewhere and lose them. I have no effing idea where last year’s are, to be honest.
I think part of that is a defense mechanism, like if I don’t have them to review I can’t see if I’ve failed? But it also keeps me from seeing what I’ve accomplished. So this year, I’m putting them out there with no fear or failure. JK I have a huge fear of failure but I’m doing it anyway lol.
This post is big-picture. As I detail in THIS POST I’m delving into the feelings behind each of these, setting specific, measurable benchmarks and scheduling the steps/habits needed to achieve them.

My 2020 Resolutions

+ Grow My Blog
To be completely honest, this blog has always felt like a bit of an afterthought. I’ve been so focused on IG the past few years the blog has taken a back seat for sure and I don’t feel it’s a full representation of me or shares the value I know it can. My readership has grown significantly despite me half-assing it. This year I want to make it a priority, grow my readership and end the year feeling the blog is a strong representation of me and my brand.
+ YouTube

VIDEO. I know this is a key component for me to be able to do this full-time. Stepping into YouTube has been a goal of mine for the last 2 years. Yet, I still only have 2 videos up (one of which has over 100k views. Do I need a clearer sign to make it happen?!) One of my favorite books, “The War of Art” talks about resistance in creative endeavors and that you need to follow resistance like a compass to be successful. The areas you resist most are what you most need to do. This is definitely mine. This is the year.
+ Be More Social

Part of me feels crazy writing this because I feel like I’m at events and around people all the time. However, I want to be more INTENTIONAL with how I’m being social. Make it a point to spend quality time with those I care about, and get out of my comfort zone a bit to meet new people and build more meaningful relationships. I’m natural a homebody, especially when times get tough as the last few years have been, so I’m ready to get out there a bit.
+ Read More

I am an avid reader- I was an English major in college and LOVE reading. I love learning and implementing from self-development books, or getting lost in a strong novel. I actually read quite a bit in 2019 – I’ve been in a book club for the last 2 years which has helped a lot with consistency. However, it’s still so easy for me to get lost in the scroll or search an hour for for a show/movie to watch instead of reading. Reading will be a daily habit for me this year.
+ Wake Up Earlier

I feel like I don’t have enough hours in the day. Right now, when I wake up I’m immediately rushing into tasks/work/etc. On days I work my day job, I wake up at 7 and have to be in at 8! I want 6a to be my regular wake-up time to allow for a slower morning with space for reflection, journaling, meditating and tea or coffee lol. Also, some time to work on MY work before heading into my day job on the days I do that.
+ Workout Regularly

Oof. This is one I’ve failed at in years past. I want working out to be part of my regular routine. 2019 was really hard on me emotionally, mentally and physically and I let poor habits get the best of me in this area. Toward the end of the year I got back into working out a bit and it feels SO GOOD to move my body. I want to focus on THAT versus trying to look a certain way. I want to feel good in my body and care for it as it deserves to be cared for.
+ Eat to Thrive

This goes along with the previous resolution – really taking care of myself, especially when it comes to food. As I’ve shared HERE I’ve struggled with food issues. Near the end of 2019 I was waking up with crippling anxiety almost every day. I felt it may have something to do with my gut (which is our second brain and greatly effects emotions) and after getting my gut biome tested I confirmed my levels were wayyy off. So this year I want to eat to THRIVE and feed my body nutrients, as well as heal my gut. This means eating at home and COOKING more too.
+ Surrender the Outcome
Some of these hit me SO hard and this is one of them that made me say OOF when reading it lol. I loveeee control {or the illusion of control, let’s be honest). It feels hard to release because it has benefited me in a lot of ways, that drive to “perfect” and control everything. But it has also held me back in so many ways. This year I want to put in the hard work but surrender the outcome. Not agonizing over stats or worrying how my work is being received- just focus on staying true to myself and providing value.
+ Take Vitamins

Speaking of the blog taking a backseat, I realize I’ve never shared my story here of the severe Vitamin D deficiency that caused me chronic pain for months in 2018. It left me unable to use my arms, caused me to miss work, miss opportunities with blogging and made me fearful I would never be able to function normally again.
Thankfully, we identified the cause after months of searching for answers. It was as simple as a Vitamin D deficiency. Despite this, I STILL don’t take vitamins regularly and still have bouts where the pain starts to creep back because my levels get low (literally happening this week). This year I will make vitamins a daily habit and give my body what it needs.
+ Improve my Posture
From a vanity standpoint- sometimes I look at photos of myself and CRINGE because my posture is so bad. From a health standpoint your body functions better when you’re upright. (Your organs have room to exist). I also hold all my tension in my neck and shoulders and upright posture helps alleviate that. I will be STANDING STRONG in 2020 and beyond.

Can’t wait to look back on these on the eve of 2021 and see what I’ve been able to accomplish. We shall seeeee.


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[…] all over yourself!For instance, today I did my first workout of the new year. One of my 2020 goals is to make working out a regular part of my routine. My mind immediately went to- “Wow, […]