Why You Need an Armpit Detox

How and Why To Do An Armpit Detox

Let’s talk ARMPITS.

Because obviously this topic is a necessity for a lifestyle blog.

Can you really have a good life with bad armpits? I don’t think so.

This post is for you if you:

  • Can’t find a deodorant that works more than a few weeks
  • A deodorant that works more than a few days
  • Deodorant that works more than a few hours
  • People look at you funny when you raise your arms
  • OR don’t think natural deodorants work for you

If you follow me on Instagram you know my struggle in the search for a natural deodorant that ACTUALLY WORKS is very real.

I have had tons of people message me their favs, happy to offer recommendations. It was a vicious cycle.

I would get excited, try them, convinced that this was the moment my life would finally change, only to be disappointed days or even hours later.


That was, until I found the secret to non-smelly, non-chemical armpits.

But before we begin, let me give you a little Armpit backstory….

Armpit Backstory

Hi, My name is Caitlin, and I am a big time sweater. Not the fuzzy kind that keeps you warm, I’m the wet stain on your shirt, clammy hands, slippery feet kind.

I know.

It was a major issue for me when I was in high school. I remember being SO embarrassed to raise my hand in class knowing there would be a sweat stain visible if I did. Sometimes I would wear jackets to hide the evidence, even when it was hot out, thus eliciting awkward questions about why I was wearing a coat in 80* weather. I edited my wardrobe to only contain certain colors and fabrics that tended to not turn dark when wet {let me tell you, greys and tans are a sweaty person no-go! It’s all about that black / dark colors / very certain shades of white. This ish is so real.}

Even into my adult life, meeting people brought about panic because I knew when I went to shake their hand mine would be wet. I kid you not, I’d fan my hands around and wipe them on my clothes repetitively in preparation when I knew I would have to shake someone’s hand soon.

Now that I’m 30 it seems my sweating has subsided significantly. Although, I still tend to have clam hands *insert eye roll emoji here* and definitely sweat more than the average human. It’s actually a condition called hyper-hydrosis, but that’s a whole other post.

The point is, I’m Familiar With Armpit Issues


Never the issue of smell.

True story. I never had BO. Thank god, because this condition was already so miserable, BO really would have just shoved me over the top on the cool list, you know?

That was, until recently. IDK wtf happened, but my scent took a turn for the worse. Not a good look.

It was like certain deodorants I had used and loved for ages just stopped working. Most deodorants, in fact, made the smell WORSE.

Then, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and I started reading about the link between antiperspirants and breast cancer. You may have heard of this before, and you may have also heard it has been discredited. Long story short there were several studies linking breast cancer to the aluminum found in antiperspirants. There were also several scientists that came out and said the studies were faulty.

However, after reading this book all about scientists discrediting studies for corporate financial gain {and women suffering for it} I’m like… nah, I’m good. I think I’ll switch to natural deodorant just in case, thanks very much.

Less chemicals is never a bad thing and I was already having deodorant issues so whatevs.

Cue the montage of me trying 4824 different natural deods to no avail.

The Smell-Free Solution is: an Armpit Detox

After months and months of me throwing money down the natural deodorant drain someone FINALLY suggested trying an Armpit Detox.

Just kidding.

Someone actually told me that I should do an armpit detox right when I started my natural deodorant search. But it took desperation for me to finally listen.

Basically, if there are toxins in your armpit pores, it doesn’t matter what deodorant you put on top, it’s never going to work. We have to get rid of that first!

Don’t make the same mistake I did. Let’s do this NOW. You’ll thank me, I promise!

What is an Armpit Detox?

It is literally a face mask, for your pits.

I kid you not, it’s the exact formula I use on my face on the reg.

You may already have the items to make it and if you don’t I suggest getting them RIGHT NOW because this mask is a game changer for both face and pits.

It consists of only 2 ingredients:

Aztec Clay Mask - the under $10 secret to clear skin

First ingredient- one of the BEST masks money can buy, and it’s LESS THAN $10.

Like I said, armpit issues or not you NEED this mask in your life. It is 100% natural and made to pull out toxins and impurities from your skin.

Changes the game for pore size and skin clarity, face or pits because it pulls all the gunk- bacteria, deodorant, toxins etc. out! Ew, but yes.

This is what is causing the smell that no deodorant can fix. If you don’t get rid of these, you will never fix your problem.

Bonus points- it literally smooths your armpit skin like it smooths your face! #operationarmpitmakeover

Armpit Detox - Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingredient number 2 – Apple Cider Vinegar. But be sure to get this kind. It is the OG and has live active cultures AKA “The Mother” in it.

Like kombucha.

Technically you can mix the clay mask with water but TRUST ME I have done it and it is NOT the same. Not even the same texture, let alone detoxifying properties.

ACV activates the mask and is the component that actually kills the bacteria which causes the smell.

How To Do An Armpit Detox

It’s seriously as easy as doing a face mask!

  1. Mix 2 tbsp Aztec Clay Mask with approx 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

    • (you want a paste-ish texture) NOTE be sure to mix in NON-METAL bowl and with a non-metal spoon! I think if you don’t it alters the texture or something? I just believe in following directions when it comes to skincare products
  2. Apply a THIN layer of the paste on your armpits

    • More is NOT better. The mask has to dry completely to be able to pull out the toxins. If you apply it too think it won’t dry fully and you won’t get the full benefit.
  3. Let the Mask Sit 10 -20 minutes

    • You may want to start out slow. I was familiar with the mask so I did the full 20. If you’ve never used the mask before be sure to patch test so you are sure you aren’t allergic! This mask does make your skin a bit red because it pulls the blood to the surface, so don’t worry about redness.
  4. Rinse Off With Warm Water

    • TBH the mask will be chunky when it comes off, so I would do this in the shower. Less mess.
  5. Repeat for Several Days or Until You No Longer Have Smell Issues

    • You should do it for a couple of days and repeat every couple months. I only did it 2 days this first round and I have noticed SIGNIFICANT improvement! I’m seriously amazed at how well it has worked! Still going strong and it has been about 3 weeks since I did it.

Toxin Free Is The Way To Be!

Let me know if you guys try the detox! I truly can’t recommend it enough. My smell is basically gone. My armpits are smoother and look cleaner? And I actually feel like I sweat a little less! Let me know if you try it and how you like the results.

PS THIS is the deodorant I have been using and LOVING post-detox. I have tried other salt/crystal deodorants that did not work for me, I think the key is that this is Thai salt. We actually have a friend who lives in Thailand and when he came to visit he brought us thai salt to cook with. I was amazed at it’s potency / consistency etc, so I recommend this specifically.

Natural Deodorant that works on amazon


Caitlin Signature







Love everything about this post and can definitely relate to the sweatiness UGH!!! I was just talking about armpit health and natural deodorants on my blog…it’s so important not to neglect our poor armpits & be aware of things we are slathering onto them! xx

It is so important to be aware! So glad you’re talking about it too! And nice to know I’m not alone in the sweatiness lol- although sad day you have it too. Xx