What a freaking time to be alive. 2020, am I right?! I saw a tweet today that said in Japanese theme parks they’re telling people not to scream on rollercoasters because it spreads coronavirus, so they have signs up that translate to “Scream inside of your heart” and I truly feel this lol.
Since we are officially at the halfway point of this decade-long year I felt now would be a good time to check in with my New Years Resolutions and see what my goals are looking like so far. I was scared to look because it feels like I haven’t accomplished anything this year, but a quick glance showed me I’m not doing as badly as I thought. That is the beauty in writing your goals down!
I plan to spend time this weekend going in-depth with my goals, to get back on track and improve where needed and finish the year strong. This post is sort of a precursor exercise for that. It will be fun for me to look back on Jan vs July when we’ve hit December!
+ Grow My Blog
You guys! This is a milestone I feel proud of and can’t wait to see where I’m at by year’s end. We are halfway through and I’ve already reached the same number of visitors and pageviews that I had the entire year of 2019. My new goal for the end of the year is to double the pageviews per month that I’m hitting now. I also want to end the year feeling the blog is a strong representation of me and my brand, which was a goal initially which I don’t feel I’ve succeeded at yet.
+ YouTube
Okay. I had 2 videos at the start of the year and NOW- I have….4. Womp Womp. This is a MUST STEP UP GOAL for the last six months. I want to have 44 videos up by the end of the year. A bold goal, but I can and will make it happen. {44 is my lucky number}
+ Be More Social
HA! Coronavirus: 1 Caitlin: 0
+ Read More
Oh my gosh I have straight DOMINATED this goal this year! I have read 17 books so far this year and I’m not stopping now. As I set out in January reading has become a daily part of my life and I love it so much. The love for my kindle has played a major role in this.
+ Wake Up Earlier
Hi, wow. Two wins in a row has me feeling like a rockstarrrr. (TikTok reference. A 2020 gift I didn’t know was coming my way). Anyway- not only do I wake up early now, I have a whole morning routine! I have posts on the sentence that turned me into a morning person, how to help your body wake up in the morning and 10 takeaways from “The Miracle Morning” that changed my life.
+ Workout Regularly
Oof. Oof is how I started this section in January and Oof is how I’m starting it again now. But that’s why checking in is so important. I’d rather Oof now than in December. Cheers to changing.
+ Eat to Thrive
I wanted to eat foods that nourish my body and cook more at home. Well, well- coronavirus: 0, Caitlin: learned to cook! I still have a ways to go on this one through the end of the year and beyond. I am still eating foods emotionally which has been an ongiong struggle for me as I shared HERE. But I have been cooking SO much more, multiple times a week, usually multiple times a day- and it has been a game-changer. I actually love it and am excited to incorporate this change into the blog by sharing recipes.
+ Surrender the Outcome
Okay, obviously this will be ongoing but I have been doing so much better on this for the most part. I found a podcast I’m obsessed with called The Perfectionism Project and realized that things I thought were only issues for me are actually very common to those who hold a perfectionist mindset. This made me feel less alone and more capable of change. Listening to this podcast has truly been life-changing for me and i can’t recommend it enough! It feels like I’m reading a guidebook to my own brain for the very first time.
+ Take Vitamins
Yeah, no. Have fully failed. Will try again tomorrow, thanks lol.
+ Improve my Posture
Yeah another item I’ve completely failed on but have 6 months to fix, yippee!
Okay! Can’t wait to look back on these on the eve of 2021 and see what I’ve been able to accomplish! Let’s get it!
Keep crushing it !! 💛 seriously cracking up that be more social was a 2020 goal – the sad irony 😂
Hahaha, the irony is painful! Thank you, Love! Xx