Do These 5 Things to Help Your Body Wake Up in the Morning

5 things that help your body wake up in the morning

So, I recently shared my secret to becoming a morning person (super easy, it’s one sentence.) That sentence shifted my mindset but I still do things to help push through the fog because #mornings, obviously. Stacking the deck is key, especially at 6 in the morning.

+ Put your alarm clock across the room: The physical motion of having to get out of bed to turn off your alarm creates energy and makes snooze less appealing. But don’t just jolt yourself into the cold darkness- I keep my cozy slippers right next to my bed, a fuzzy blanket on me, and grab them both as I head over to turn off my alarm. I then head straight to couch to sit in potato mode. I’m out on the couch before I realize what’s happening and it doesn’t give me time to question going back to sleep. 

+ Brush your teeth: it’s something you can do while not being fully aware what’s going on. Plus, the mint gives your senses a jolt to help wake you up. Fuzzy slipper shuffle yourself on over to the sink and stare in the mirror like a zombie for 2 minutes. It helps, I promise.

+ Drink a glass of water: This kickstarts your metabolism to help get your actual body-engine moving. You’ve also gone the whole night without drinking so you’re naturally a bit dehydrated which causes fatigue. I found that cold water first-thing can make me feel nauseous, so I try to pour this into my reusable bottle the night before or let it sit a bit before drinking. Bonus points for lemon- but if it’s gonna stop you from doing it don’t worry about it. 

+ Set intentions when you go to sleep: As I mentioned in this post a lot of my morning moves from the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. In the book, Elrod points out that our first thought when we wake up is usually our last thought when we go to sleep. Ie: when going to bed, if you look at the clock and think, oh sh*t, I’m only going to get 6 hours of sleep tonight I’m gonna be tired- you will wake up to “Ugh I have to get up already?? I’m so tired.”
Set a positive expectation before bed instead. You don’t have to lie to yourself with BS like “I’m so excited to wake up early tomorrow” because that won’t feel true. Instead try something like:
– “I am waking up at X time tomorrow because how I start each day determines how I create my life.” 
– “No matter how long it takes to fall asleep, what I dream about or how tired I feel, I WILL get out of bed tomorrow morning at X am to create my best life, the life I deserve to live.”

+ Have a morning routine to look forward to: Even if you only give yourself 5 or 10 minutes where you’re not doing anything other than waking up: sitting in silence, reading or listening to a short mediation (sitting up!) it will make getting out of bed sooo much easier and more enjoyable. In my next post, I will share my morning routine I’ve been doing the last several weeks that has literally transformed my mornings. 

Try these out and let me know what you think! Any other tips for getting going in the AM?


Caitlin Signature


[…] I have a whole morning routine! I have posts on the sentence that turned me into a morning person, how to help your body wake up in the morning and 10 takeaways from “The Miracle Morning” that changed my life. + Workout […]