Guys, I just gave birth to a human! It was WILD.
Before giving birth I searched HIGH and LOW to prepare the ultimate hospital bag for giving birth. I scoured all the articles, blogs, my friends and family, and my audience on IG. The list below was formulated from that research and suggestions.
When my list was done it was LONG. I worried we would be laughed at for looking like we were moving into a hotel for a weekend but no one batted an eye at the amount of sh*t we brought.
Below is WHY you need these things/ why you may not, because remember everyone’s experience is different and every hospital is different. Personally, I’d rather have something and not need it than need it and not have it and, as mentioned, some of the things I used really surprised me (flameless candles? lol).
Also, please note- anything for your support person should be PACKED and BROUGHT by that person- not your chair, not your problem! You worry about YOU.
What was in my hospital bag & did I use it:
+ Several Copies of Birth Plan Printed
If you’re rolling your eyes at the thought of a birth plan, don’t. I was you, at first. I thought a birth plan was like a wishlist of what music you wanted, but it’s actually things like: are you planning to give birth with or without an epidural and do you want coaching through different labor positions? You may think you covered this with your doctor but, spoiler alert, 90% of your labor your doctor is not in the room! You’re working with nurses you have never met, so it is important they know your goals.
+ Drivers License and Insurance Card
I separated these into a side pouch in my purse and THANK GOD because I swear I had to pull them out for something every 5 minutes.
+ Pillows for you & Support Person
The hospital has pillows, right? WRONG. The hospital has pieces of cardboard they like to call pillows as a sick joke.
You will be SO uncomfortable in labor and after, the little slice of heaven that a pillow from home gives you is a MUST HAVE. Support person needs one too because they’re basically camping in your room. Also helpful for breastfeeding positioning.
+ Blankets for you and Support Person
Same as above- you are gonna want the comfort of a fuzzy, soft blanket. You may kick it off in a fit of rage when you start getting night sweats from hormones/breastfeeding, but if you’re like me and get the chills immediately after- you are gonna thank stars for that cozy blanket. Again, support person basically needs to act like they’re camping and have one too.
+ Nursing Pillow
Absolute MUST HAVE. I had no idea what I was doing with breastfeeding, the nurses help you, but a pillow makes all the difference for ease and comfort for you and baby. I just used a boppy in-hospital, which kind of sucked TBH, so immediately ordered THIS ONE from a lactation consultant’s recommendation and it is a GAME CHANGER.
+ Outfits For Baby – In a Few Sizes
I completely messed this up and even the smallest outfit I brought for him was too big. First-time-mom problems lol. It became an issue when we left and had to borrow a shirt from the hospital for him to leave in. This made me realize it doesn’t need to be anything super cute or fancy, but your baby needs to not leave the hospital naked in the carseat…so be better than me and get it right.
+ Swaddle
Most babies feel safest when swaddled because it is similar to their experience in the womb. Pretty much the whole time in the hospital your baby will be swaddled. The hospital had swaddles we used as a base layer, but we did use one of our swaddles around it and it gave Mark the chance to practice swaddling under the eye of experts (our nurses). He got multiple compliments on his technique (weirdly he is good at things like this, also gift wrapping?) and I think it really boosted his new-dad confidence.
+ Birth Gown
This was a last-minute random splurge for me. After refusing to buy maternity clothes my entire pregnancy a friend of mine sent me a link to this about a week before I gave birth and I bought it immediately – I think as some attempt at feeling in control? I really wasn’t sure if I would use it, but it was actually CLUTCH.
I was induced and labored for about 2 days, so if you labor mostly at home and show up at the hospital without much time I could see it being unnecessary – but for me it was honestly a must. It made me feel so much more comfortable, cozy and covered-up than the hospital gown (which was scratchy, short and left my a** hanging out in the back).
I got THIS one which was designed by a labor nurse so she thought of everything they could need to access with wires, skin to skin etc.
+ Empty tote bag to pack hospital freebies
Brought this, but the hospital just gave me a bunch of stuff in a plastic branded bag they use. This is one I would say varies by hospital, but it wasn’t necessary for me.
+ Toiletry bag with travel size items
I don’t know why I was afraid to bring all this stuff and look like we were going on vacation for a week. The reality is you ARE living away from home on the least relaxing vacation of all time for at least a few days! Bring the things! There will be a shower in your recovery room and you WILL want a delicious shower moment with your own shampoo/body wash etc. My shower didn’t even have toiletries available so if I hadn’t brought them it would’ve just been water. I packed a bunch of toiletries (and makeup… like who was I kidding?) but what I actually used was:
- Chapstick
- Deodorant
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Body Wash
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
+ Postpartum Underwear & Always Brand “Discreet” Diapers
So, when you’re done giving birth you are… a mess. I’ll leave it at that. It is chaos down there. I was recommended these and they are GREAT for postpartum but I wouldn’t bring again to the hospital. It is such a scene down there the days you’re in the hospital you need the gnarly diaper/pad/witch hazel/ice pack situation they provide you with- not some discreet diaper BS. My hospital provided mesh postpartum undies, doggy pee pad things they showed me how to use as a pad, pads to put on top of them, witch hazel pads for pain, ice packs, and numbing spray. I would guess most hospitals provide these items.
Again, these diapers are MUSTS for postpartum at home, I just wouldn’t bring them to the hospital again.
+ Soft, Button-Down Pj’s and Loose, Cozy Sweat Set
I didn’t realize *labor rooms* and *recovery rooms* are different. So basically the minute I was done giving birth I was taken from my labor room over to my recovery room- where it makes sense to have things like Pj’s etc because you’re no longer as much of a “patient” as you were before- so you don’t have to wear the hospital gown. Button-down is important so you can open your top easily for skin-to-skin times and nursing. And a loose cozy sweat set was ideal for the journey home. I love THESE– great quality for the price.
+ Soft, Thin Robe
Same as above- good for in and out of the shower, or if you need an additional layer and are too tired/overwhelmed to botton a shirt (it could happen, trust) robe was clutch. Love THIS ONE.
+ Socks and Slippers with Grippies on Bottom
The hospital gave me socks with grippies to wear while I was there so I never actually used my slippers, but if you can’t stand wearing socks, slippers would be a good call for when you go to the bathroom and stuff. I saw some things saying get cheap ones because you’ll want to toss them after wearing in the hospital but that seems so wasteful… I got THESE from Target so they could be washed instead of trashed.
+ Gum for Labor
I read somewhere that chewing gum in labor decreases your pain. I was in so much pain I can’t remember if I was chewing gum or not tbh. Maybe have it if it makes you feel better.
+ Lots of Snacks
You’re basically taking the least relaxing vacation ever- you will be STARVING from laboring and breastfeeding, and the room service is absolutely horrible and only available 3x a day. To avoid your support person leaving you every 5 seconds to get you both food, snacks are a must. We also put together snacks and chapsticks in a basket as a little thanks to the nurses/doctors etc on staff and they loved it.
+ XL Phone Cords for you and Support Person
You may think- I’m in labor, who cares if my phone is charged?! You will want/need your phone IMO. Use it to play music, google 1000 things, take tons of pictures of the alien you created and use apps like Huckleberry to track baby’s food, diapers, feedings etc. Outlets in hospital rooms are few and far between so THESE XL phone cords were clutch. Still loving these at home for easy charging access while managing a tiny human.
+ Eyeshades
Even with all the lights off in a hospital room there are still lights on equipment, monitors etc. Plus, you aren’t on a usual schedule and will want to sleep during the day. I sleep with eyeshades nightly anyway and THESE are my favorite affordable silk pair.
+ AirPods
We just used the bluetooth speaker. I would nix these next time.
+ Bluetooth Speaker
Fun fact: Rome was born just after midnight, to the newly released Taylor Swift “Midnights” album which had just come out while I was pushing. Specifically the track “Sweet Nothing.” He is already a Swiftie. We used this speaker non-stop during labor and recovery to set the vibe. I would definitely bring one.
+ Small, Portable Fan – Ideally Stroller Fan
I almost didn’t have one of these. Thankfully, after MANY recommendations for it a friend insisted I borrow hers. THANK GOD because I don’t know if I would have made it through without one. Hospital rooms are either hot or freezing and something they don’t tell you about postpartum is SWEATS. Between hormones and breastfeeding you will be DRENCHED in sweat. I couldn’t have slept, functioned or birthed a human without this fan. I say stroller fan is ideal because they have bendy legs which we attached right to the hospital bed to blow directly on me! A must must must have. I used THIS ONE and it was perfection.
+ Battery Operated Candles
Soooo many people recommended these to me and I STILL almost didn’t bring them because it seemed ridiculous. Wrong, I was so wrong! Thank god another friend convinced me on these because we LOVE them and are still using them now.
In the hospital they were great because we were able to turn off the overhead room lights but still see to feed/change him etc. Also really set the vibe while I was laboring- and no nurses made fun of me, they all loved them, actually!
Now that we are home we have them on either side of our bed for soft lighting when nursing or tending to him in the night. THIS is the set I got, they are so realistic when they’re on that us and the nurses kept jumping back thinking we may get burned. They also come with a remote which makes using them SO easy. I am literally obsessed. 11/10.
+ Portable White Noise Machine
SO MUCH YES. Another must-have. Babies love white noise, it reminds them of the womb and helps soothe them. We brought THIS ONE and it was perfect to just place at the top of his bassinet in the hospital, plus the charge lasted a long time (bring the charger with you). Now we take it with us in the car anytime we go somewhere. Love.
+ Baby Nail Clippers
Something random discovered through people recommending this 1000 times is that hospitals won’t cut your baby’s nails. Seems like something they would do, no? Probably a weird lawsuit thing. They won’t, You may not need this depending on your tiny human’s nail state when they emerge, but ours had talons that kept cutting me when I was breastfeeding so they were super helpful. I got THIS SET after research because I was too nervous to have anything that could potentially cut his hands or cut too low or anything. Works like a charm.
+ Shower Sandals
Trust that you do NOT want your skin coming in contact with the hospital floor, especially in the bathroom. I just brought a simple pair of rubber thong flip flops and was very grateful to have them. I stuck with THIS classic pair.
+ Postpartum Support Brace
I wouldn’t have thought of this without the recommendations but it’s another thing I couldn’t live without. Several people recommended Belly Bandit, but a Pelvic Floor PT I know specifically told me to get THIS ONE that she has all her clients get- and since she’s a professional I didn’t need to hear anything else.
I did not use this in the hospital, so I don’t know that it’s necessary to pack, but it is the only thing postpartum that made me feel like I wasn’t physically falling apart and had I worn it in the hospital I may have been able to walk out instead of leaving in a wheelchair.
+ Electrolyte Packs or Drink Mix
Hospitals are very drying so I get this recommendation. I brought liquid IV- didn’t use it. Maybe should have. Just forgot. Nice to have but not a must.
+ Towels for you and Support Person
In your recovery room you will have a shower. You absolutely will use that shower at some point post-birth and it will feel like the most glorious shower you’ve ever had in your life. The idea here is getting out of that shower and using the rough, ratty hospital towels will make it less blissful. However, TBH, I was so tired at this point I thoroughly enjoyed the shower and used the gross hospital towels and didn’t give a f*&^. I had forgotten to pack our towels and for the one shower I took it wasn’t a big enough difference to have lugged two lush towels up from the parking structure.
+ Wet wipes for your bum
The postpartum bathroom situation is INTENSE. The hospital gives you all kinds of accoutrements to help you handle this- diapers, peri-bottle (a shitty one, I would recommend THIS one instead), witch hazel pads, numbing spray etc. What they DON’T offer is wet wipes. They didn’t have these for baby either, they gave us a pack of hospital gauze and had use use that with water for diaper changes. Trust me that gauze on your recently traumatized downstairs area is NOT the vibe. Bring wet wipes just in case you have to do number 2 in the hospital (you may be too constipated tbh, but just in case)
+ Zip Up or Open Front Hoodie for Support Person to do Skin to Skin
Skin to Skin is SO important and you want your support person to be able to do it too! Being totally shirtless may not be comfortable so something with an open front is helpful here.
+ Medicine for Support Person
YOU and BABY are the patients here- not your support person. So if they get a headache or have allergies or whatever the hospital isn’t allowed to give them anything. Bringing a few tylenol, advil, allergy meds etc can save them having to leave to find some.
+ Clothing Changes for Support Person
They are staying in the hospital for a few days just like you! They need some changes of comfy clothes throughout the stay. Also, hospitals are gross feeling so sometimes, IMO, you just get the urge to freshen things up.
WHEW. Seems like a lot, no? It is. But truly, these items made the transition in this crazy time so so much easier and enjoyable. Happy hospital-ing! Wishing you a smooth and healthy birth experience!