Well Ladies and Gents, you asked for it and I am answering because THIS POST IS SO IMPORTANT. RESIST THE URGE TO BE GROSSED OUT OR THINK IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU + READ ON. This info is so key for anyone who travels anywhere.
Reading a post like this before our Honeymoon through Europe last year would have saved me SO MUCH stress, exhaustion and heartache.
Let’s begin with some…
Bed Bug Myths
Is it 100% FALSE that:
MYTH 1. Bed Bugs Only Invade Dirty, Gross or Cheap Hotels and Apartments
In fact, they are often found at VERY high end hotels because the ONLY thing attracts and spreads beg bugs are PEOPLE {because they eat us}. And which group of people travel most often because they have the resources to? That’s right, people who stay at fancy hotels.
I think the reason for this myth is #1- we think of bugs in general as dirty and #2 full infestations often happen in sketchier places because treatment to get rid of them is so expensive.
MYTH 2. Bed Bugs are Microscopic and You Can’t See Them
You guys, no. They are like little mini cockroaches. So disgusting. About the size of the tip of a straw I would say. I’m not posting a picture here because, EW, not on brand. lol. But a quick google search and you will see for yourself.
MYTH 3. Bed Bugs burrow into mattresses so you can’t see them
Bed bugs actually can’t burrow into mattresses unless there’s already a hole to enter through. BUT they ARE experts at hiding themselves. They make themselves really small and flat and hide up against mattress seams.
MYTH 4. You Only Find Bed Bugs in Beds
Nope. These little f(*&ers live anywhere they can eat you. That means beds, couches, planes, trains and automobiles. That’s right. You can get bedbugs just from being on a plane or train with someone who has them in their suitcase. That’s why what I’ll outline below is SO important.
MYTH 5. You Can Get Rid of Bed Bugs Yourself
I seriously think the over the counter bed bug treatments like bed bug bombs/ sprays/ etc should be banned. They do absolutely nothing and make your life worse because you have allowed the bugs to live another day. Head into any bed bug forum {yes, these exist + I have spent HOURS on them. FML} and people will regale you with stories of bombs they have set off in their place only to come back tot he bed bugs crawling on the bomb not giving any f*&s.

Here’s a bit of backstory for you…
My husband and I went on our honeymoon in May of 2016. We travelled all over Italy then hit Germany and ended in Paris. It was perfection and everywhere we stayed at was meticulously researched and absolutely gorgeous.
One of my favorite places we stayed was an Air BnB in Florence, Italy. It was a stunning penthouse with views of the duomo and the river. Perfection. Except… I woke up one morning covered in bites. Covered. The itchiest, most painful bites I have every had in my life. Ask Mark, I would not STFU about these things because they HURT AND ITCHED SO BADLY it was literally all I could think about.
I was under the impression, as many people are, that bed bugs are only in shady motels and my first reaction to these bites was that a spider or something had gotten into my clothes when we watched the sunset on the grass the night prior. We thought about bed bugs for a second but upon a casual glance at our sheets everything looked fine.
We were in Europe for 3 more weeks and I didn’t get any more bites. Problem solved, right?
WRONG. We were so wrong.
Turns out, it WAS bed bugs. They can go up to 3 months without eating. So they didn’t snack on me again until we brought the HORRIFYING LITTLE SHITS back home with us. By then, it was too late.

So, What’s the big deal? Can’t you just get rid of them?
Oh, friends. If only.
Let me just give you a glimpse into the bed bug life.
+ Every. Single. Fabric. Item. in your house has to be washed and then dried at the highest heat possible for at least 30 minutes. This means every single clothing item including your cherished dry clean only clothes, your favorite faux fur throw blanket {ruined by the dryer} your snow clothes that are packed in the top of your closet, the cover on your couch, etc.
If it can’t be laundered you have to throw it out. {We had to toss a few rugs, my cherished tufted headboard and bed frame, and RIP some of my absolute fav clothes and blankets that were ruined by the dryer}
+ Once laundered, everything has to be bagged in plastic trash bags and sealed so the bugs can’t access it again. So you are literally living out of trash bags for weeks/months while the saga is going on.
+ The ONLY effective treatment is professional and it is EXPENSIVE. You absolutely have to get your place professionally treated by an exterminator. Nothing else will work. Also, because of the bugs’ life cycle- multiple treatments are GUARANTEED. You WILL have to treat 2-3 times to completely rid yourself of them. We treated 3 times and the saga went on for 8 months. 8 months of living out of trash bags, feeling unclean and unrelaxed in my own home, having the worst bites ever all over my body (see below), waking up screaming in the night, sleeping on air mattresses and becoming a hermit because I had no energy to do anything but laundry.
+ The bites are the itchiest, most painful bites you will ever experience… if you react. This is the scariest thing about bed bugs and why infestations happen so much- not everyone is allergic to their bites. So like Mark never had any bites whatsoever. The bugs were biting him but we never would have known because he didn’t react at all- no bite marks or anything. If no one in the house is allergic you don’t know you have them until you see one and by then you have so many you’re pretty screwed.

Did I mention it was expensive? Here’s a fun little cost breakdown:
– Exterminator $850 {this was the cheapest option btw}
– Tufted Headboard we had to toss $500 {still haven’t replaced bc I’m paranoid}
– Mattress and Box Spring Tossed $600 plus Mattress removal Fee $90
– New mattress and frame $450
– Laundry costs {We only have coin laundry in our condo} $300
– Costco pack of Heavy Duty Trash Bags $40
– All the sheets/blankets/ pillows we tossed because I was freaking TF out and couldn’t sleep. Don’t even know how much $$$.
– New Sheets and Pillows for bed $500
We are already up to $3310 folks and I’m not even counting everything.

So, without further ado…
How To Avoid Bed Bugs
In your Hotel
1. When you get to your hotel room, leave your luggage in the bathroom
Bed bugs don’t generally live on tile, so the safest place is setting them in the bathroom. I put mine in the bathtub {only when it’s dry, obvi}. As mentioned in the bed bug myths they are not just in beds, in fact- they LOVE the luggage racks in hotel rooms and those dresser drawers that looks so lovely. Don’t do it. Bath Tub all the way.
2. Immediately Inspect the Bed.
This is going to tough for some of you to swallow, but it is worth it. Trust me. Take that beautifully made bed you’re walking in to and RIP UP THE BLANKETS/ SHEETS/ PILLOWS.
You want to look VERY closely along all the seams of the mattress, under the mattress and on the sheets for tiny blackish/red specks that look like bits of dirt but are actually bed bug poo. Remember, they are EXPERT hiders so you may not see the bugs themselves, but you may be able to spot their poo. {Bonus tip- keep an eye out for white powder too (no, not that) because it is probably pesticide left from a previous treatment}
3. If the Bed is Clear- Inspect the Rest of the room.
If there’s a couch or chairs, rip those cushions up and inspect just like the bed looking for the bugs and their poo along seams. Also, check in the drawers of the nightstands, dressers and behind picture frames etc.
4. Keep Your Luggage Away from Beds and The Floor
If you’re psycho like me you can just leave your luggage in the bathroom the entire time.. But if you want it in the main room- keep it off the floor. Even if you inspect and don’t have bed bugs upon arrival, they could travel from another room while you’re staying there. Reduce your risk of their invasion by keeping your luggage up on the desk etc.
5. If You Find Evidence of Bed Bugs
Get yourself and your stuff out of the room and head to the front desk IMMEDIATELY. Ask to move at LEAST 2 floors away from your original room because bed bugs sneak through walls and electrical sockets. Then, be sure to inspect your new room too 🙂
When You Get Home
Take your belongings out, bag your suitcase in a trash bag and seal it up, then leave it in the sun {heat} for at least 3 days. If you don’t have an outside space, leave it in your garage/ on your balcony/ your parking etc. MAKE IT WORK. Or, buy one of these.
2. Do Laundry Immediately
IMMEDIATELY bag everything in your luggage in a trash bag and seal, then launder in hot water and dry on high heat for at least 30 mins. {You need to seal up because if you carry to washer/dryer and there is a bed bug they may hop out into your house. I’m telling you, these assholes are tricky AF} I’d say it’s ok to take your dry clean clothes directly to the dry cleaner if you’re just doing this preventatively. Not chill if you know you have bed bugs, obvi.
3. Rest Easy
Now you can sleep soundly, My Loves, knowing you’ve done everything possible to avoid the horror of bed bugs in your life.
Do You Think You Have Bed Bugs?
If you’ve gotten this far and determined that you do, indeed, have bed bugs, don’t panic! Here is a link to an extremely thorough and informative article on exactly how to get rid of those beasts. It covers how to identify whether or not you have them as well as all options for getting rid of them.
I know this was a long one, but SO necessary. Have you ever had to deal with bed bugs? I hope you haven’t and never do. But I’d love to hear in the comments if you’ve ever dealt with them, or if what your biggest takeaway from this post is. I love hearing from you guys!
Beautiful pictures! Bed bugs sound just awful though!!
Thanks, Leah! Yeah, they were pretty rough lol. But yes, the trip was gorgeous! Xx