Garden Inspiration – Our Backyard Goals

I’ve had a bit of a garden obsession ever since I discovered Monty Don’s “French Gardens” series a few years ago. It features celebrity British gardener, Monty Don, as he explores the most beautiful gardens in France. Not only were the gardens INCREDIBLE, but the entire experience was just absolutely charming and peaceful. Every gardener was so passionate and joyful that Mark and I were both like: we need THAT.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t a possibility on our tiny LA balcony, but it definitely made outdoor space a must when we were searching for our new home. The large outdoor space we have now was a key factor in our decision to buy this home and I’m sooo excited about it.

Our space is currently a… blank… canvas lol. If “blank” means covered in weeds, buildings, animal statues and other random sh*t that doesn’t need to be here. I mean, we also have 8 types of fruit trees and a stunning Jacaranda that I can’t wait to watch bloom this Spring, so it has a ton of potential. The space just requires a lot of editing, if you will.

My vision for our yard is similar to the vision I have for our house. European charm with a heavy dose of California classic. I love the look of an English or French garden with winding paths, hedges and statues. But I also adore Southern CA style- with palm trees, bougainvillea and Spanish and Mediterranean influence. Not to mention my other love, ITALY, Tuscan fields and Amalfi coast vibrance. Below are some inspiration images I’ve pulled from Pinterest.

We’ve been spending a significant amount of time in our garden the last few weeks and it is incredibly therapeutic. If you follow me on IG I’m sure you’ve seen the Marky Don garden hat chronicles lol.

Gardening has actually brought back a flood of memories from my childhood. Being out in the sun {hat and SPF, of COURSE}, living in the dirt, listening to birds, smelling flowers and feeling at-one with home. It’s a feeling of peace that I didn’t realize I was missing until we were outside the city. Mark and I have both found that being outside, especially during COVID, has been a gift for our hearts.

We have so many plans for the garden that I’ll lay out for you in the coming weeks. Right now we’re in the “editing” stage, trying to get our outdoor space to the point that it is a clean canvas ready to be planted in Spring.

We’re also watching a LOT of Monty Don, obviously. Our current fav is “Gardener’s World.” Apparently it’s Monty’s OG show and I cannot recommend it more highly, whether you have a garden or not. Monty teaches gardening by doing projects on the grounds of his stunning home, Longmeadow, alongside his two golden retrievers, Nigel and Nell. It is SO charming and so relaxing. Flowers and dogs and British phrases and accents, like what is there not to love? We watch it on Amazon Prime {with a cup of tea}.
