2020 has been… a year, lol. The pandemic, racism, fighting for social change and more; the collective consciousness is heavy right now. It’s heavy for everyone, but especially if, like me, you identify as an empath.
If you’re unfamiliar, an empath is “a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.”
The first time I realized I was an empath was in 8th grade, Mr Alner’s science class. He told the class he had an announcement: he and his wife were going to have a baby! Everyone started cheering but I immediately started crying (like sobbing). I was sitting near him and I could literally FEEL the joy, love, excitement radiating from his body and it overpowered me to point of sobbing happy, embarrassing tears.
I can walk in a room and immediately zero in on someone who feels uncomfortable or upset. I’m keenly aware of everyone’s feelings and always go out of my way to make everyone feel included, seen and heard. This is partly because I know how it feels to be on the outside, but also because I can’t feel fully at ease unless they do, since I feel people’s emotions so strongly. When I hold a baby or an animal, or when someone is confiding in me I can literally feel my heart opening up a channel to connect us. WEIRD. I KNOW.
Moments like this, while intense, are beautiful, but it’s less beautiful when life gets tough.
Once I learned what an empath was and felt the toll it could take on me, especially in toxic environments, I have worked to control this power and limit it when necessary. With everything happening in our world right now I have felt fully depleted, exhausted and even physically sick at times. I know I’m not alone in this. So many people are struggling with the weight of life, empath or not.
I recently came across mantras for empaths and they helped me SO much. I’ve shared them with multiple people in my life over the last few days so I wanted to share them with you, too. With the exception of the last one, credit for these mantras goes to Matt Cama!
5 Mantras for Empaths
+ I fill my cup and give from the overflow. What’s in my cup is mine, only what overflows is everyone else’s.
+ I will CARE but not CARRY
+ I am not responsible for other peoples’ happiness
+ The love I give to others is what I deserve to give to myself
+ I will observe, but not absorb
These have truly helped me and have come in handy multiple times when talking to others about the struggles they’re facing. I hope they do the same for you!