Lost Luxe | Authentically Beautiful Living


Los Angeles Style, Caitlin Sauer - Lost Luxe

 Lost Luxe is…

Hi! I’m, Caitlin, a cheese and cat obsessed blogger and biz babe living in Los Angeles with my hot husband {I think you’ll agree} and our fluffy bunny bitch kitty, Mia {AKA Bun, Bunny-kins, Bun-licious, Nug-Bun, Nug-piglet, The Bitch, Cat-Bear-Bat-Pig + more}

If you’ve come here in search of a lifestyle blog, it’s here, but you’re going to be getting a healthy dose of REALNESS with it all.

I love sharing TRUTH like:

How real-life doesn’t look like Instagram. That mostly these people you see with “perfect” skin use Facetune and Botox {myself included!}. That even when you work to stay positive and grateful, some days are harder than others {and that’s ok}. What helps me stay focused and strong while creating my dream life. How you don’t have to sell your belongings, live in a hut and eat granola to be happy/real/a good person.

Lost Luxe is about creating a beautiful life that FEELS good.

A beautiful life means waking up every morning with purpose. Being so grateful and in love with your existence you have no time/energy to waste critiquing yourself or others. Following your dreams and conquering your fears. Spreading kindness everywhere you go and appreciating how wonderful life truly is.

Gorgeous style, places, meals etc are just a compliment to that.

I believe surrounding ourselves with beauty : friends & family, food, nature, interiors, fashion or travel helps ground us in the present. These remind us that beauty can be found in the simplest of things and is always here if we choose to see it. But they must be compliments to a happy heart.

Let’s celebrate the joy of the everyday.


Caitlin Signature

